
Advanced Diploma of Engineering



O que eu aprenderei?

Redefine your engineering career with this high-level course. Develop the specialised skills and knowledge required to become a mechanical engineering technician or associate. According to the Australian Government's Job Outlook service, mechanical engineering draftspersons and technicians are specialised occupations that have high skill levels and earning potential. Employers are looking for qualified candidates who are reliable, work well in a team, and have a strong work ethic.

In this course you will gain detailed drafting and design skills and learn how to oversee the installation and maintenance of machinery. You will also develop your knowledge of engineering processes and principles, project management, quality systems, and team building. Our supportive, industry experienced teachers will give you all the support you need to succeed.

Successful completion of this course will qualify you to work as a mechanical engineering technician or associate. You can also continue with further tertiary study in this area.

What can I do?

Engineering Associate

Mechanical Engineering Technician

De qual departamento farei parte?

TAFE Queensland Brisbane



Opções de estudo

Período integral (1 ano)

A$12.000,00 (R$ 45.388) por ano

*O preço é estimado e tem caráter informativo, por favor, verifique esta informação com a instituição.

Data de início

Julho 2025


Acacia Ridge Campus

247 Bradman Street,

Acacia Ridge,


4110, BRISBANE, Australia

Requisitos de admissão

Para estudantes internacionais

Academic Requirements: Completion of Year 12 (or equivalent). Non school-leavers must have relevant work experience or qualification that indicates likely success of course completion.

International students who are under 18 years of age and are applying for a student visa are required by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs to have adequate welfare arrangements in place.

Academic IELTS 6.0 (no individual band less than 5.5); TOEFL: iBT score of 64 with 13 in Reading /12 in Listening and 21 in writing /18 in speaking; PTE Academic (Pearson Test of English) overall score of 50 with Reading /Listening /writing /speaking score of 50; Cambridge C1 Advanced test score of 169.

Os requisitos para o IELTS podem variar de acordo com o curso que você escolher.


Sobre TAFE Queensland

Quase 84% dos graduados da TAFE Queensland encontram um emprego adequado ou seguem para estudos posteriores após a graduação.

  • Programas ministrados por especialistas em vários campos
  • A TAFE tem um índice de 89,9% em satisfação do aluno
  • Crescentes parcerias entre grandes empresas globais e a TAFE
  • Atua com empresas multinacionais e organizações governamentais

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