Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Justice Studies + Diploma in Police Foundations or Community and Justice Services




O que eu aprenderei?

Throughout your four years, you will be exposed to the justice system: from the rules we follow, to dealing with people and communities, to the hands-on processing of crime scenes and making arrests. Build key skills required in any area of justice such as critical thinking, research methods and how to write effectively.In your first year, you will build a foundation in justice and related fields. In year two, you begin to take courses that touch on various services and how they are delivered, such as counselling, conflict resolution, forensics and policing.In your second year, you decide which diploma to pursue, focusing in on one of these two areas:Community and Justice ServicesFocuses on social issues and explores the development of community programs, ways to work with both victims and offenders, and methods of crime prevention.OrPolice FoundationsPrepares you for a career in the various levels of law enforcement in the Canadian justice system.Years three and four move on to advanced courses that immerse you in issues such as ethics equality rights and freedoms youth and the law and criminology.

De qual departamento farei parte?

University of Guelph-Humber

Opções de estudo

Período integral (4 anos)

CAD$31.833,00 (R$ 131.320) por ano
Additional fee information can be found on website

*O preço é estimado e tem caráter informativo, por favor, verifique esta informação com a instituição.

Data de início

Setembro 2025


University of Guelph-Humber

207 Humber College Blvd,


Ontario (ON),

M9W 5L7, Canada

Requisitos de admissão

Para estudantes internacionais

Application, admission and English proficiency requirements can be found on our website at guelphhumber.ca/futurestudents/international-high-school-applicant-applying

Application deadline: May 1

Os requisitos para o IELTS podem variar de acordo com o curso que você escolher.


Sobre University of Guelph-Humber

Localizada em Toronto, Ontário, Canadá, a Universidade de Guelph-Humber se orgulha de ter um corpo discente diversificado e um campus inclusivo.

  • Cursos de nível universitário
  • Professores especialistas da indústria
  • Experiência de trabalho
  • Turmas pequenas

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