Aerospace Medicine MSc

Reino Unido


O que eu aprenderei?

The Aerospace Medicine programme aims to provide specialist training for medical graduates in the discipline from its research orientated basic science to its operational and clinical application. The course is therefore appropriate for Flight Medical Officers (Flight Surgeons), specialists in aviation and space medicine and for clinicians from other disciplines with a role to fulfil in aerospace medicine. It is not the aim of the course to train individuals in clinical medicine but rather to use the knowledge and experience students already have from their medical practice to allow them to understand its specialist application in aviation and space medicine.

Key benefits

  • World-class learning course delivered at a location recognised by the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board for higher professional training in aviation and space medicine.
  • Teaching by internationally renowned scientists and clinicians from a combination of academic, commercial and military organisations.
  • An advanced course with a considerable experiential/practical component complementing the theoretical aspects of the course.
  • The only course recognised by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine as preparation for the Diploma in Aviation Medicine exams with contributions by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine examiners.
  • For those undertaking the MSc the course provides a unique opportunity to undertake an aerospace medicine/physiology research project that is carried out in the laboratory or in approved aeromedical centres in the UK and elsewhere.

Course Aims

  • A detailed working knowledge of the scientific basis of aerospace medicine
  • The ability to understand and describe the medical and physiological effects of flight in health.
  • Develop the capacity to understand the interaction of the aerospace environments with the clinical status of the occupants of airborne craft as well as comprehend the hazards to flight safety that may arise from medical factors in air traffic controllers.
  • Develop the skills to investigate an aeromedical issue such as would allow them to make appropriate written or oral arguments regarding the aeromedical disposal of individuals in health and disease.
  • An ability to communicate their ideas effectively and confidently
  • (For MSc only) have developed the skills associated with conducting a supervised project in aerospace medicine including its written and oral presentation.

Duration: MSc one year, PG Dip six months

De qual departamento farei parte?

Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine

Opções de estudo

Período integral (1 ano)

£35.800,00 (R$ 265.346) por ano
Esta é uma taxa fixa

*O preço é estimado e tem caráter informativo, por favor, verifique esta informação com a instituição.

Data de início

Setembro 2025


Guy's Campus

Great Maze Pond,


Greater London,

SE1 1UL, England, United Kingdom

Período integral (1 ano)

£40.140,00 (R$ 297.514) por ano
Esta é uma taxa fixa

*O preço é estimado e tem caráter informativo, por favor, verifique esta informação com a instituição.

Data de início

Setembro 2025


Guy's Campus 1

New Hunts House,




Requisitos de admissão

Para estudantes internacionais

Medical degree (e.g. MBBS) or international equivalent, and a working knowledge of the aviation environment. Ideally candidates for the Diploma or MSc in Aerospace Medicine course should have held an appointment involving the practice of aviation medicine for not less than one year.

Applicants will also have to be subject to security clearance requirements in order to be enrolled on the course. Applicants who do not pass the clearance requirements, or who refuse to have their names submitted, will not be able to study this programme, for either the MSc or PGDip/DAvMed.


IELTS: 7.0 overall with a minimum of 6.5 in each skill. TOEFL: 100 overall with a minimum of 25 in writing and 23 in each of the other skills.

Os requisitos para o IELTS podem variar de acordo com o curso que você escolher.


Sobre King's College London

Alunos do mundo todo podem estudar na King’s e aproveitar de um ensino que, com dedicação, os guiará a uma carreira extremamente enriquecedora.

  • Respeitado membro do Grupo Russel
  • Padrões de ensino e suporte de carreira extraordinários
  • Corpo estudantil com mais de 18.000 alunos internacionais
  • Conexões excelentes em Londres e com organizações globais

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