Astrophysics MSci (Hons)

Reino Unido


O que eu aprenderei?

Our students often say their enthusiasm to study Physics stems from wanting to learn more about the Higgs particle, dark matter, nanotechnology or just a wide-ranging curiosity about how things really work. Whatever your reasons, our Physics department aims to inform and excite you in the study of Physics, the most fundamental of the sciences.On our four-year Astrophysics MSci, you’ll come to understand new concepts and paradigms, developing the deep conceptual framework that will allow an advanced understanding and appreciation of nature. You’ll develop core Physics concepts, including classical physics, quantum phenomena as well as mathematical and experimental skills.Unlike solid-state physics (as with the Physics MSci) the emphasis will shift to astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology, and in later years you’ll cover topics such as Stellar Astrophysics and Atomic & Nuclear Physics. As you progress through the course, modules in Particle Astrophysics, Planetary Geology and Geophysics, General Relativity & Cosmology and Optics will lead you into research level topics which you'll cover in greater depth as an MSci student, than on a BSc degree. In your fourth year you can choose from an incomparably wide range of options and expertise, including courses from University College London, King's College London and Queen Mary, University of London.We’re a research-intensive department based at our Surrey campus – well away from the light pollution of the big city, which allows our telescopes to provide the best observational astronomy in the University of London. We also have close ties with, and conduct research at major international laboratories such as CERN, ISIS and Diamond, plus collaborations with SEPnet universities and other major institutions around the world.Our teaching is informed by the most up-to-date research, and you’ll get to work closely with research groups, in laboratories where they work first hand on Physics at the forefront of research.

De qual departamento farei parte?


Opções de estudo

Período integral (4 anos)

£28.900,00 (R$ 214.204) por ano
£28900 Per year

Esta é uma taxa fixa

*O preço é estimado e tem caráter informativo, por favor, verifique esta informação com a instituição.

Data de início

Setembro 2025


Main Site

Royal Holloway, University Of London,

Egham Hill,




Requisitos de admissão

Para estudantes do(s)/da Estados Unidos

Where an applicant is taking the EPQ alongside A-levels, the EPQ will be taken into consideration and result in lower A-level grades being required. Socio-economics factors which may have impacted an applicant's education will be taken into consideration and alternative offers may be made to these applicants.Required subjects: Mathematics and Physics, plus a Pass in the practical element of any Science A-levels being taken

Os requisitos para o IELTS podem variar de acordo com o curso que você escolher.


Sobre Royal Holloway

A Royal Holloway University of London é uma instituição de pesquisa de excelência e está localizada entre 54 hectares do belo parque de Surrey.

  • Pesquisa está nas top 25 do UK (Research Excellence Framework)
  • Localizada em um belo parque de 54 hectares.
  • 34ª melhor universidade do UK (Times Higher Education 2020)
  • Apenas a 30 quilômetros do centro de Londres

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