Business Law LLB (Hons)

Reino Unido


O que eu aprenderei?

With LLB Business Law, you will discover a challenging and stimulating course. Our degree is recognised by the **Bar Standards Board and the Solicitors Regulation Authority,** providing a direct route to the legal profession, and is taught at one of the most well-regarded Law School in Wales.LLB Business Law opens up a range of exciting opportunities for you. You will be a strong candidate to become a barrister or a solicitor.You will benefit from the experience and enthusiasm of our expert staff, many of whom have also practised as barristers or solicitors, thus providing a practical application to your theoretical studies. You will emerge with real-world capabilities, enabling you to shape your future and develop the career that you deserve. From the moment you arrive at the Aberystwyth Law School, we will work with you to build on your skills and experience to enhance your career prospects. During your time with us, you will cover modules such as the Legal System, Criminal Law, Legal Skills and European Law, with the opportunity to undertake a work experience placement with a large organisation, such as the County Council or NHS Wales. The Year in Employment placement also known as 'YES' is centred around a year-long placement in a chosen industry by yourself between your second and third year. Aberystwyth University has a dedicated Careers Service that is here to advise, help and mentor you during your time here. The Law School also offers extracurricular activities. These include a competing Mooting Society where the participants take part in national and international mooting competitions. The department also has a specific Welsh-medium Mooting Society for those who wish to moot in the Welsh language. Students who are part of the Mooting Society develop key advocacy and litigation skills. We have many successful alumni, around the world. Many of our graduates also succeed in a range of professions, including Criminology, Financial Management, Business, Human Resources, International Relations, Journalism and Education.

De qual departamento farei parte?

Department of Law and Criminology

Opções de estudo

Período integral (3 anos)

£18.170,00 (R$ 134.674) por ano
£18170 Per year

Esta é uma taxa fixa

*O preço é estimado e tem caráter informativo, por favor, verifique esta informação com a instituição.

Data de início

Setembro 2025


Main Site (Aberystwyth)

Penglais Campus,

Penglais Road,



SY23 3DD, WALES, Wales

Os requisitos para o IELTS podem variar de acordo com o curso que você escolher.


Sobre Aberystwyth University

A Aberystwyth é uma das melhores universidades do Reino Unido para quem busca educação de classe mundial, com pesquisa e custo acessível.

  • Centro de excelência pela qualidade da pesquisa
  • Top 3 no Reino Unido em Ensino e Experiência Estudantil
  • Melhor universidade do País de Gales em satisfação (NSS 2024)
  • Comunidade acolhedora e suporte a estudantes internacionais

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