International Development is a multidisciplinary framework for assessing and analysing political social and economic development of postcolonial nation-states. Join field experts at Warwick's Politics and International Studies and develop your research skills.
Course Overview
The major debates engaged in by Development Studies focus on growth vs inequality efficiency vs democracy state vs market led development and modernity vs tradition. The practice of development was also framed within these debates and was institutionalised through the Bretton Woods System the various United Nations institutions governmental and non-governmental policies. This programme will introduce you to these debates and questions. Theoretical work and empirical work are not separate exercises. Practical problems stimulate theory construction and theories inform the ways in which we handle substantive issues. Theory that lacks bearing on practice is irrelevant. Action that lacks theoretical clarity and coherence is confused and ineffective.
Most modules are taught via one 2-hour seminar per week. Every seminar will be based on extensive guided reading you will do each week but there is no strict pattern to how sessions are run. This may include mini-lectures followed by discussion Q&A sessions organised debates peer presentations policy briefs small group work and other projects.
Graduates from these courses have gone on to work for employers including: Deloitte; Japan Ministry of Defense; Nationwide Building Society; The Cabinet Office; University of Kent; Transport for London and West Midlands Police. They have pursued roles such as: business and financial project management professionals; economists; finance officers; management consultants; business analysts and public services associate professionals.
Our department has a dedicated professionally qualified Senior Careers Consultant offering impartial advice and guidance together with workshops and events throughout the year. Previous examples of workshops and events include:
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Setembro 2025
University of Warwick
University of Warwick Coventry,
Os requisitos para o IELTS podem variar de acordo com o curso que você escolher.
A Universidade de Warwick é uma instituição líder mundial com um ambiente educacional acolhedor e inspirador.