First Year
CS 100 Roadmap to Computing 3
PHYS 111 Physics I 3
PHYS 111A Physics I Lab 1
MATH 111 Calculus I 4
HUM 101 English Composition: Writing, Speaking, Thinking I 3
CHEM 125 General Chemistry I 3
CHEM 125A General Chemistry Lab I 1
FRSH SEM First-Year Seminar 0
Term Credits 18
CS 113 Introduction to Computer Science 3
PHYS 121 Physics II 3
PHYS 121A Physics II Lab 1
MATH 112 Calculus II 4
CHEM 126 General Chemistry II 3
CHEM 126A Gen Chemistry Lab II 1
Term Credits 15
Second Year
CS 114 Introduction to Computer Science II 3
MATH 211 Calculus III A 3
PHYS 234 Physics III 3
PHYS 231A Physics III Lab 1
MATH 333 Probability and Statistics 3
HUM 102 English Composition: Writing, Speaking, Thinking II 3
Term Credits 16
CS 280 Programming Language Concepts 3
MATH 222 Differential Equations 4
MATH 335
or MATH 328
Vector Analysis
or Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers
PHYS 335 Introductory Thermodynamics 3
CS 241 Foundations of Computer Science I 3
Term Credits 16
Third Year
CS 288 Intensive Programming in Linux 3
CS 301 Introduction to Data Science 3
OPSE 310 Virtual Instrumentation 3
PHYS 430 Classical Mechanics I 3
PHYS 432 Electromagnetism I 3
Term Credits 15
CS 331 Database System Design & Mgmt 3
CS 341 Foundations of Computer Science II 3
Physics 300/400 Elective 3
CS 350 Intro to Computer Systems 3
History and Humanities GER 200 level 3
Term Credits 15
Fourth Year
CS 435 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Design 3
CS 356 Introduction to Computer Networks 3
CS 490 Guided Design in Software Engineering 3
PHYS 442
or R
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
or Quantum Mechanics
CS 332 Principles of Operating Systems 3
Term Credits 15
PHYS 485 Computer Modeling of Applied Physics Problems 3
CS 351 Introduction to Cybersecurity 3
IS 350 Computers, Society and Ethics 3
ENG 340
or ENG 352
Oral Presentations
or Technical Writing
Term Credits 12
Fifth Year
CS 491
or PHYS 490
Senior Project
or Independent Study
Humanities and Social Science Senior Seminar GER 3
Social Sciences GER 3
History and Humanities GER 300+ level 3
Term Credits 12
Total Credits 134
*O preço é estimado e tem caráter informativo, por favor, verifique esta informação com a instituição.
Janeiro 2025
Ying Wu College of Computing
Guttenberg Information Technologies Center (GITC), Suite 5700,
University Heights,
New Jersey,
07102, United States
All students who apply to NJIT must submit an official high school transcript in English. When evaluating your application for undergraduate admission, we are interested in understanding how you challenged yourself relative to the curriculum that was available at your school and the trends in your performance - especially your grades in math, science, and English.
Your completed coursework should include English Composition, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Chemistry and Physics. We also consider the GPA that is indicated on your high school transcript. We look for students in the top 25 percent of their class. For schools that don't use a ranking system, we consider a 3.0 GPA or higher to be equivalent.
English Language Requirement:
The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), Duolingo or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is required of all applicants whose first language is not English. The minimum score required is 79 for the Internet-based TOEFL exam, 213 for the computer-based TOEFL exam, 550 for the paper TOEFL exam, 6.0 for the IELTS exam or 100 for the Duolingo exam. In addition, you will take a placement test in English Composition when you arrive on campus.
Os requisitos para o IELTS podem variar de acordo com o curso que você escolher.
Como líder do setor, o Instituto de Tecnologia de Nova Jersey (NJIT) prepara os alunos para carreiras no mercado tecnológico em constante mudança.